Braking System


Price from: £12.00 each (£14.40 inc. VAT)
Brake pull off return spring, used front . overall length 94mm, 14.6mm diameter, 4 piece required per axle.
Price from: £13.49 each (£16.19 inc. VAT)
Snail cam adjuster, for applications with girling brakes. Girling part ref GA9 / 64271022 also applicable to Cortina Mk1 1200, Escort Mk1, Triumph Herald, Reliant, Vauxhall Viva HA, HB and HC and...
Price from: £35.76 each (£42.91 inc. VAT)
Right hand 57 onward, steel body with flat top piston
Price from: £32.25 each (£38.70 inc. VAT)
Left hand '57 onward, steel body with flat top piston
Price from: £2.25 each (£2.70 inc. VAT)
Replacement bleed nipple for brake slave cylinders, 3/8" UNF thread
Price from: £8.41 each (£10.09 inc. VAT)
Rear brake shoe pull off return spring, with coil at each end. used 02/57 to 07/62. 
Dimensions 112mm overall, long coil 45mm, short coil 30mm, spring coil 8mm in diameter.
Price from: £33.01 axle set (£39.61 inc. VAT)
Rear brake shoe pull off return spring set. Comprises 1 axle set - 4 springs. 2 off 100E-2297 and 2 off 100E-2296-B
Price from: £7.83 each (£9.40 inc. VAT)
Rear brake pull return spring, overall length 89mm, 9.4mm diameter,
Price from: £20.70 each (£24.84 inc. VAT)
Part 100E-2663-C rubber inc wheel cylinder retaining plates E15-FB-1 & E15-FB-1 (one axle set)
Price from: £34.53 each (£41.44 inc. VAT)
Rear wheel brake cylinder, alloy body, plain end to piston, used on 105E 997cc models and Cortina Mk1, Girling ref 64673049
Price from: £62.99 set (£75.59 inc. VAT)
Brake shoe set (4 piece set), shoe measures 43mm wide, used on 1198cc 123E , also applicable to FRONT of: Bedford HA Van 6&8cwt HAE HAV 1970 onward Ford Cortina Mk1 1200 1962-64 Ford Escort...
Price from: £65.60 Each (£78.72 inc. VAT)
Front Wheel Cylinder - Right Hand. Consul, Zephyr, Zodiac MKII Fits: - Consul Mk II Zephyr Mk II Zodiac Mk II
Price from: £65.60 Each (£78.72 inc. VAT)
Front Wheel Cylinder - Left Hand (near-side) Consul Mk II Zephyr Mk II Zodiac Mk II
Price from: £20.70 set (£24.84 inc. VAT)
Axle set of springs, pins and washers. Girling ref SP1006/2
Price from: £73.79 Each (£88.55 inc. VAT)
Rear wheel cylinder, for vehicles fitted with front drum brakes, Feb 56 to May 61, Fits: - Consul Mk II Zephyr Mk II Zodiac Mk II
Price from: £259.71 Each (£311.65 inc. VAT)
Brake master cylinder, fot use with disc brakes.
Exchange item (until supply found)
Price from: £19.26 Each (£23.11 inc. VAT)
Brake Caliper Piston 16FS type -narrow groove, 54mm diameter x 29mm deep. Use with seal kit SP2501 Fits:- Consul Mk2 Zephyr Mk2 Zodiac Mk2 Zephyr Mk3 Zodiac Mk3 also early MKIV 16P.
Price from: £19.26 Each (£23.11 inc. VAT)
Caliper Piston 16PB type - wide groove, 54mm diameter x 29mm deep, Use with seal kit SP2589
Zepyhr MkIV
Zodiac MkIV
Price from: £60.95 Each (£73.14 inc. VAT)
Price from: £130.53 Each (£156.64 inc. VAT)
Brake master cylinder, early type. Brake only.
Price from: £119.87 Each (£143.84 inc. VAT)
Rear wheel cylinder
Price from: £86.31 axle set (£103.57 inc. VAT)
Rear brake shoe axle set, 6 cyl only.
Exchange item. Old shoes must be returned to us before replacements can be supplied.
Price from: £16.83 each (£20.20 inc. VAT)
Simple gadget for adjusting lengths of cables. Only one to be used per cable. Approx 85mm wide.
Price from: £20.01 each (£24.01 inc. VAT)
Good used brake adjuster wedge, threaded wedge which acts on the adjuster plungers 5/16 square on end.
Price from: £76.95 Each (£92.34 inc. VAT)
Front wheel cylinder R/H (off-side)
Price from: £76.95 Each (£92.34 inc. VAT)
Front wheel cylinder L/H (near-side)
Price from: £17.80 each (£21.36 inc. VAT)
Clutch or brake pipe. 100E & 300E used on front brakes, rear brake flexi and clutch slave cylinder,107E used on front brakes and rear brake flexi, 105E rear brake flexi only.
Price from: £16.12 Each (£19.34 inc. VAT)
Clutch or brake pipe - Front Brake Hose Mk1 Consul Zephyr Zodiac (also clutch hose) Hose is approx 367mm long (403mm including threads)
Price from: £0.51 each (£0.61 inc. VAT)
brake/clutch bleed nipple cap, keeps nipple free of dirt etc.
Price from: £86.56 Each (£103.87 inc. VAT)
Rear wheel cylinder R/H (off-side)
Price from: £86.56 Each (£103.87 inc. VAT)
Rear wheel cylinder L/H (near-side)
Price from: £16.52 each (£19.82 inc. VAT)
axle set 57-
Price from: £1.29 each (£1.55 inc. VAT)
handbrake cable retainer clip, holds handbrake cable into handbrake cross rod bracket.
Price from: £7.27 each (£8.72 inc. VAT)
front brake wheel cylinder connecting brake pipe, flared with convex ends and fitted with two male union nuts.
Price from: £28.62 each (£34.34 inc. VAT)
As Girling part 64217022. Please check individual application. Supersedes part E56-FB-1. Leyland reference 37H6134
Price from: £19.26 Each (£23.11 inc. VAT)
Caliper Seal Kit 16FS type - eight piece kit, four seals & four dust covers. Use with piston 206E-2196-early. Fits:- Consul Mk2 Zephyr Mk2 Zodiac Mk2 Zephyr Mk3 Zodiac Mk3 also early MKIV 16P.
Price from: £28.23 Each (£33.88 inc. VAT)
Caliper Seal Kit 16PB type - fourteen piece kit, four seals, four dust covers, four clips & two bleed screw covers. Use with piston 206E-2196-late.
Zepyhr MkIV
Zodiac MkIV
Prices shown include VAT @ 20% where applicable